Camila is a trained Argentinian artist with a focus on a synthesized style of paintings. With exhibitions in South America and Europe, she’s now based in San Francisco, California, focusing her new collection of work in mixed media on large-scale canvases.

Camila is currently exploring the concept of Leisure in her art.

The question "What would I create without worrying about others' opinions?" led her to focus on works created when no one is expected to see them—sketchbooks and small scraps of paper. These works exist for the sake of existing, with no need for external validation.

She realized that these intrinsic works emerge in moments of disconnection or connection with oneself—Moments of Leisure. It's a time free from obligations, allowing for genuine self-expression without external constraints.

In her upcoming works, Camila aims to emphasize the value of existing for its own sake. She believes she can discover her true self and a personal visual language in these moments that capture her essence.


Lady Henze